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On which exchange is Centessa listed, what is the ticker symbol, and when did it go public?
Centessa’s American Depositary Shares (ADS) are traded on the NASDAQ Global Market under the symbol CNTA. The company’s initial public offering (IPO) was in May 2021.
What is Centessa’s CUSIP number?
Centessa’s CUSIP number is: 152309100
Who is Centessa’s Registrar for ordinary shares and how do I contact them?
Computershare Investor Services PLC
The Pavilions
Bridgewater Road
Bristol BS138AE
The Pavilions
Bridgewater Road
Bristol BS138AE
Who is Centessa’s ADS Depositary?
Citibank Depositary Receipts Services
388 Greenwich Street
New York, NY 10013
US Toll Free Tel: +1.877.248.4237
388 Greenwich Street
New York, NY 10013
US Toll Free Tel: +1.877.248.4237
Who is the Transfer Agent for Centessa’s ADS through Citibank?
Citibank Shareholder Services
P.O. Box 43077
Providence, Rhode Island 02940-3077 USA
US Toll Free Tel: +1.877.248.4237
Intl. Tel: +1.781.575.4555
P.O. Box 43077
Providence, Rhode Island 02940-3077 USA
US Toll Free Tel: +1.877.248.4237
Intl. Tel: +1.781.575.4555
Who is Centessa’s independent auditor?
Centessa’s independent auditor is:
Two Financial Center
60 South Street
Boston, MA 02111 USA
Tel: +1.617.988.1000
Two Financial Center
60 South Street
Boston, MA 02111 USA
Tel: +1.617.988.1000
How may I view documents Centessa has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
Centessa’s SEC filings (include link) may be viewed on our Investors page under Financial Information or at
Where may I find the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?
Both may be viewed on our Investors page under Press Releases and Financial Information.
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquires?
You may reach our IR team by contacting